Showing posts with label buck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buck. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 February 2017

An African sunset

Day is life,
As the roars of lions echo,
And the galloping of the antelope fade.
Night is death,
As the laughs of the hyena haunt you,
And the bush is filled with the sounds of terrorized creatures.
But between the beauty all is quiet,
As the sun disappears,
And the land lights up in the most spectacular display,
An African Sunset.
- by Robert G. Fetters

 Watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm ©Maree Clarkson

Once you have lived in or visited Africa, visions of Africa become indelible in a visitor's memory. Vivid sunsets... warm and welcoming people.... amazing wildlife and, of course, the incredible silhouette of antelope etched against an African the sunset, all combine to make a visit to South Africa one of life's peak experiences. Seasons are reversed here, so the best time to visit is July through October. On nights when there's a full moon and high water, you may even witness a rare and thrilling lunar rainbow!

An extract from Wayne Visser's poem, "I know a place in Africa", sum's Africa up well :

My soul is at peace in Africa
For her streams bring lifeblood to my veins
And her winds bring healing to my dreams
For when the tale of this land is told
Her destiny and mine are as one
