Thursday, 5 January 2017

Time to Retreat

“You know … they say an elephant never forgets.
What they don’t tell you is, you never forget an elephant.”

-Actor Bill Murray

With a height of just over 3 – 4m (measured at the shoulder), a length of between 6 to 7.5m (that’s the length of an average motor car garage!) and weighing in at 6 tonnes, these mostly gentle giants of the African bush are highly intelligent with a strong sense of family and herd, and a complex social structure.

Here in Africa they are native to a wide variety of habitats including semi-desert scrub, open Savannah’s and dense forest regions. Besides its greater size, The African Elephant {Loxodonta africana} differs from the Asian elephant in having larger ears and tusks, a sloping forehead, and two “fingers” at the tip of its trunk, compared to only one in the Asian species.

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